Thursday, December 20, 2012

Bang, bang.

The US is once again searching its soul about gun control, and the pro-gun lobby are trotting out their usual mantra of "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" - which is true enough, but what they don't go on to say is that guns allow people to kill more people faster and with less risk to themselves.  If we could wave our magic wand and every gun in the US disappeared overnight, people would still kill people, but what you wouldn't get is massacres like that which happened last Monday in Newtown, Connecticut.  If you go on the rampage and all you've got is a knife, a baseball bat, or your bare hands, you are going to be hard pressed to kill more than a handful of people before you are overpowered or killed yourself.  No, to get your tally up into the teens or higher, you need a firearm.  And that is the fundamental argument against guns.

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