Sunday, December 09, 2012

Anything goes??

What is your reaction to these Australian radio presenters who rang up the hospital where the Duchess of Cambridge was being treated pretending to be the Queen and Prince Charles and may well have been instrumental in the nurse they fooled taking her own life?  What strikes me is that although the radio station concerned have expressed - I'm sure sincerely - shock and horror at what has happened, there is no acceptance that anything wrong has been done.  And this is not an Australian thing - I'm sure you remember the Jonathan Ross/ Russell Brand business - and Sacha Baron Cohen has made a (very successful) career out of fooling people into saying or doing things that they probably wish they hadn't. So, as with newspapers, the question is whether it is acceptable that ordinary people should be embarrassed - or worse - just to boost readers, listeners or audiences.  It's just selfish arrogance as I see it - if it suits me, I couldn't care less about its effect on you.

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