Friday, November 02, 2012

Not so elementary?

So - if you watched it - what do you make of "Elementary" - US TV's attempt to update Sherlock Holmes for the 21st century.  Comparisons with the BBC's "Sherlock" are obvious - in fact as I understand it, "Sherlock" was offered to CBS but they preferred to go their own way.  But it seems to me that they've missed the point. Sherlock succeeded because it remained faithful to the Conan Doyle stories - effectively updating them and giving them a modern twist.  Elementary on the other hand is just another detective show where the detective happens to be called Holmes and the sidekick Watson - could just as well have been Smith and Jones. So it's perfectly OK of its type but other than that the detective's MO is heavy on observation and deduction it has little connection with Conan Doyle's original concept.

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