Saturday, November 10, 2012

Is the force still strong?

So Disney have bought Lucasfilm and with it the right to the Star Wars franchise, and are promising a series of new films, starting with an Episode VII in 2015.  So should those of us who were blown away by Episode IV back in 1977 be excited or worried?  Or should we just accept that that film was very much a one-off of its time and we're never going to recapture that magic?  None of the other five episodes have really come close and several have been panned - although I seem to be one of the few who thought Episode I was quite good and rather liked Jar Jar Binks. The interesting thing is that George Lucas (who will still be involved in a consultative capacity) always envisaged an ongoing story line, which means that Episode VII should be a true sequel to Episode VI, and Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher are all still available to continue their roles - now that would be something!

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