Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Away with the fairies.

So Ed Milliband is now pressing the "One Nation" button as many other politicians - usually when in opposition - have done before him  If we all pull together everything will be hunky-dory, and Labour are the party to create the political and economic climate in which we will all want to pull together.  Like I say, I've heard it all before and the bald fact of the matter is that it's all cloud cuckoo-land.  We will never all pull together - there will always be those who are looking out for themselves and couldn't care less about anyone else.  Probably the closest we came to the One Nation ideal was during the Second World War, but even then there were those deliberately working against the common good.  Apart from the criminals who simply went on being criminals, there were the spivs and black marketeers, and there were workers who went on strike - yes, believe it or not, there were official strikes called in wartime.  So, nice idea and goes down well with the party faithful, but let's keep our feet on the ground.

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