Thursday, September 20, 2012

You shop - we drop??

I think I've mentioned before that, unlike many men, I actually enjoy going out shopping, so I've never been tempted to do my supermarket shopping online.  I know lots who do though.  I think even if I were unable to get out for whatever reason, I would baulk at having to pay to have my shopping delivered - £5 seems to be a standard charge.  And now somebody has done the maths, and reckons that it actually costs supermarkets about £20 a time to collect, bag and deliver to on-line shoppers.  Which means of course that they're losing money doing it, and supermarkets don't lose money, so clearly they put their prices up to recoup their loss - and that means those of us who shop in person are subsidising those who shop online.  Now that makes me cross!

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