Saturday, May 12, 2012

You can't turn back the tide.

A report has suggested that by the end of this century, anything up to 90% of the world's languages will have become extinct.  Should we be concerned?  After all, language is just a tool for communicating with other people, and this is simply an example of the survival of the fittest - those languages which do this best will survive and those that don't, won't.  I've spoken before about my love of the Welsh language, but the fact is that as a communication tool it's of no use to you outside Wales, or even up to a point, inside.  Of course the danger is that as a language disappears, so to a certain extent does the culture and tradition associated with it. But then again, that's the way of the world - nothing stays the same for long.  Perhaps we should make some effort to try to record these traditions before they disappear - particularly where they only exist in oral form, but other than that just let matters take their course.

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