Thursday, March 01, 2012

Words - again.

Marriage is in the news again, thanks to a bit of a spat between the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Equalities Minister.  It is of course all about same-sex partnerships - should they be called marriages?  I've had my say (see post dated 28/11/05) and I stand by what I said then.  However, as I have also mentioned on several occasions in these pages, language is a living thing - a constant work in progress - and if enough people start to call these relationships "marriages" and that usage comes to be generally accepted, then the word will change its meaning to reflect this, and in time dictionaries will follow suit.  I don't agree however with the Equalities Minister who suggests that this is a change which could be brought about by legislation.  I don't think you can - or should try to - force a definition on people by law.

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