Saturday, February 04, 2012

This land is my land...

Argentina's sabre-rattling over Las Malvinas, as they would have it, highlights the basic absurdity of countries, as countries, laying claim to land.  Land belongs to the people who live there, simple as that.  The Falkland Islands don't belong to Argentina, nor for that matter do they belong to Britain - they belong to the Falkland islanders, Gibraltar belongs to the Gibraltarians and so on.  And the inhabitants of any particular piece of land have the basic right to seek to align themselves with the inhabitants of other pieces of land as they think fit.  This is exactly the situation under discussion in Scotland at present. A problem only arises when, as in Scotland, and even more so Northern Ireland, there is no general consensus among the inhabitants as to how they see themselves.  But the Falkland islanders have consistently made it clear how they wish to align themselves, and until that changes, Argentina's claim has no merit.

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