Thursday, February 16, 2012


The Prime Minister has vowed to tackle what he describes as the "scandal" of public drunkenness, and this has resulted in more calls for the price of alcohol to be regulated and set at a high enough level to discourage over-indulgence.  I've had my say on this argument before, but whilst it is clearly a factor, I don't think the price of alcohol is the main cause of public drunkenness.  At one time it was commonplace for a publican to refuse to serve another drink to a customer on the basis that they'd had enough and it was time for them to go home.  Today it is equally commonplace to see people coming out of pubs and clubs clearly much the worse for wear, and yet there is no indication that any action is being taken against said pubs and clubs as a result.  If the proprietors of these establishments were made aware that their licences were at risk if their customers were seen being tipped out in such a state it might have a much greater effect on the incidence of public drunkenness than simply making alcohol more expensive.

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