Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Where's me dole?

Where do you stand on this question of a benefit cap?  Some LibDems don't like it, some bishops don't like it, and Labour is doing its usual job of facing both ways - saying they approve in principle but would do it differently.  For me, the situation is quite clear - it is unacceptable that those on benefit (which let's be clear, means that their money is coming from you and me) should find themselves in a better position financially than those who are not.  It's that simple.  William Beveridge the "father" of the welfare state, was clear that benefits should be set at subsistence level.  You shouldn't starve, but you should  "struggle to get by" on benefit - else where is the incentive to get off benefit?  And there are plenty of people not on benefit who are are struggling to get by.  The fact that there are some tens of thousands of people on benefit who are living a comfortable life is a disgrace.  The problem, as mentioned in previous posts is that successive governments have been unwilling to do anything about it, with the result that reform is now having to be introduced on a crash-bang-wallop basis which is not the ideal way of going about it.

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