Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's my life, damn it!

Happy or healthy - it seems you have to make a choice.  Over the last few years there have been a series of reports linking something or other to an increased risk of an illness or a reduction in life expectancy - and it's invariably something nice that you would not willingly give up.  Of course, you can take a lot of no notice, but the problem is that others do and it may - probably will - affect what you can buy.  Crisps have become like cardboard these days, as they've reduced and reduced the amount of fat in them.  I used to love my supermarket's cajun chicken ready meal because it was made with chicken breast with the skin on, but guess what - the skin has disappeared.  They also used to do a very tasty sweet chili pork noodle dish which is no longer to be found, and when I enquired about it I was told it had been taken off sale as it no longer complied with the store's "healthy eating" policy.  So - happy or healthy?  I know which I would choose - if only I were given the choice!

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