Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So, now it's over, what did you make of the last series?  I thought it was rather overlong - I think ten episodes somewhat overstretched the plot.  Six would have made for a far tighter story in my opinion.  And then I found the American dimension decidedly offputting - of course there has always been an American aspect to the show in that John Barrowman, who plays "Captain Jack" is American - but for me a big part of the show's charm was its Welshness, and we've lost that.  Mind you, if it were me, I'd bring back Owen, Tosh and Ianto - to my mind, Torchwood was at its best at the end of series one, and the whole of series two.  By the way, did you know that Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who?

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