Monday, September 12, 2011

Made from girders?

I can remember when Irn Bru was Iron Brew and came in those old-fashioned pop bottles where the stopper was held in place by by a metal clasp.  We used to buy it as an occasional treat from a little shop on our way back from primary school - seem to think it was 2½d (old pence) with a penny back on the bottle.  I have to say that I was never that struck on the taste, but the attraction was its vivid rusty-yellow colour - which I now know is down to an additive which today is called E110.  And this has produced a bit of a modern problem.  The EU wished to regulate the amount of E110 allowed in products, and it was feared that this would affect the colour of Irn Bru, but thanks to some hard lobbying by the Scottish First Minister, Alex Salmond the level has now been set at that used in the drink.  So Scotland's "second favourite drink" (after whisky, that is) is safe.

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