Thursday, July 07, 2011

An uncomfortable truth.

All this to-do about 'phone hacking - just who are the bad guys?  The News of the World, this private investigator bloke, the journalists who employed him, Rupert Murdoch??  Can I suggest that the real bad guys are us - you and I?  There's a parallel here with the super injunction thread which we've been following over the last few months.  Newspapers are in business to sell newspapers, and to do that, they have to give their readers what they want - and if what they want are salacious stories about "celebrities" or the latest gossip about a disappearance or a high profile murder case, then that's what the papers will do their utmost to give them, and if that means bending or breaking the law, then so be it.  So let's be clear - if we were content to just accept the statements the police put out and in general mind our own business and let others get on with theirs, there would be no call for this sort of reporting, and it wouldn't happen.  So if you want to know who the bad guys really are - look in the mirror!

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