Monday, June 06, 2011


Why the fascination?  It was a nice sunny weekend - "Let's have a barbecue" said my daughter.  It saved me having to cook, so I was not going to demur, but why a barbecue?  Why not simply cook some sausages, burgers and stuff and eat them outside?  When you think about it, barbecues just create a lot of smoke and smell and there's always the risk that the food will not be cooked properly all the way through, with the attendant health risks.  And yet, there's this sort of glamour associated with outdoor cooking - is it a race memory of when this was how most cooking was done back in the days when we lived in caves, or is it a sort of return to nature thing - like going camping.  Whatever, somehow barbecue food definitely tastes more exotic - so, yum!!

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