Thursday, May 12, 2011

Have a go.

I don't suppose there are many of you out there who would have understood the title of yesterday's post.  "Have a go" was an enormously popular radio programme of the late 40s and 50s, hosted by Wilfred Pickles and his wife Mabel.  They went to community centres (usually church halls back in those days) all round the country and invited the locals to come and talk about themselves, perhaps do a little party piece, and then answer a few simple quiz questions for a small prize - hence the catch-phrase "Give 'em the money Barney", Barney being the producer.  It was essentially a warm-hearted programme - no one was ever put down or belittled, however amateurish their performance.  Point of interest - the pianist (who had the very difficult job of accompanying  not-very-good singers on spec) was Violet Carson, who went on to become Ena Sharples in Coronation Street.  Come to think of it, I bet there are plenty of you who don't remember her either - how time passes!

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