Monday, May 09, 2011

Face facts.

I think the dramatic slump in the LibDem vote in last week's elections can in great part be put down to the unrealistic expectations of their supporters.  If you go into a coalition with just short of 60 seats together with a party with just over 300 seats, it would be foolish to think that you would have an equal say in that coalition's programme - you would be the junior partner, meaning that your views would be listened to, taken into account and, where possible, accommodated, but you would have to accept that it would be for the bigger party to take the ultimate decisions.  And yet it seems that many LibDem voters, activists and apparently even members of the Government thought they would be able to call the tune, and are now venting their frustration and disappointment through the ballot box.  I think Nick Clegg needs to lay it on the line for his supporters, and get them to wake up and smell the coffee.

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