Thursday, March 03, 2011

Look but don't touch?

What should we in the UK do about what's going on in Libya - should we in fact do anything?  It is becoming increasingly clear that things are not quite so black and white as the media would have had us believe.  Gaddafi clearly is not without support, particularly in the west of the country, and it's worth remembering that prior to the Second World War what is now being referred to as west and east Libya were different countries - or maybe tribal areas would be closer to the mark, so the present split has historic overtones.  Cameron is talking about no-fly zones and arming the "rebels" but it has to be asked what right do we have to interfere in another country's affairs just because we have a preferred outcome?  For once the US seem to me to be taking a rather more "concerned onlooker" approach rather than rattling sabres.  Give humanitarian assistance by all means, but keep away from the fight - that's for the Libyans to sort out.

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