Monday, January 24, 2011

The Lazy Cook

"Faggots and pays" - a traditional dish in this part of the country.  Of course, they have to be real faggots - with the greatest of respect to Mr Brain, what he sells are spiced meatballs, nice enough and I often have them, but faggots they are not.  My late mother-in-law made great faggots, and there's  a local butcher where you can get the genuine article, but they've rather gone out of fashion these days - bit of a shame really.  Haggis is a similar product, though much bigger and made from bits of sheep rather than pig, and bulked with oatmeal rather than breadcrumbs - I only tasted haggis the once, and was rather disappointed, but then perhaps, as with faggots, the commercial product is a pale reflection of the real thing.  "Pays" by the way, if you haven't guessed, is local dialect for peas.

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