Thursday, December 23, 2010


As a follow-up to yesterday's post, just what is the position these days when you're talking to journalists?  My recollection is that you could make it clear from the get-go that you were talking "off the record" and then they couldn't directly report anything you said.  And if you were just chatting generally and you said something newsworthy, the journalist might say "Can I quote you on that", and you had the right to say yes or no as you felt inclined, and if you said no, that was that.  But these days we get more ansd more cases where someone is secretly recorded and what they say is then published without even any pretence of asking their permission, and even worse, as in the Vince Cable case, this is done by journalists posing as ordinary members of the public, so you don't even realise that you're talking to a journalist.  So what's the position these days - is it anything goes?  Have you any comeback?  Is there anywhere you can go for redress?

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