Monday, December 06, 2010

Not a difficult decision.

This business about the LibDems and whether they should vote for or against or abstain over the tuition fees Bill in view of what was in their manifesto seems to me to be missing the point.  A party's manifesto is a statement of what that party intend to do if they win the election and form a government - but the LibDems didn't win the election and have not formed a government so what was in their manifesto is not an issue.  They are certainly not bound by it.  Their allegiance now is - or should be - to the coalition of which they chose to be part.  The agreement which brought about that coalition allowed for them to abstain on this particular matter, so they can do that, but to vote against would be a betrayal of the agreement they entered into.  If they have any honour therefore, the choice is clear - they vote for or they abstain.

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