Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Ha ha.

There is a rumour that the Royal Spanish Academy, who oversee Spanish grammar, are looking at the gender of some words.  Spanish nouns of course are either masculine or feminine.  It is said that one word under consideration is "computer" - should it be masculine or feminine?  The discussion apparently quickly split along sexist lines.  The men decided that a computer should be feminine because (a) nobody really understands how they work, (b) they speak a language which only other computers understand and (c) once you commit to one, you have to spend a small fortune on accessories for it.  The women maintained that a computer was obviously masculine, because (a) to get it to do something, you have to turn it on, (b) they hold a lot of data but still can't think for themselves and (c) as soon as you commit to one, you realise that if you had waited a little longer, you could have got a better model.  The women won the day!

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