Sunday, August 01, 2010

Who are the real losers?

There's been much discussion about whether Formula One is a team competition or an individual one following Ferrari's decision to instruct Massa to let Alonso overtake him and go on to win in the last Grand Prix. Opinion "in the paddock" seems to be divided, despite the fact that the rules are clear that this sort of thing is not allowed, but there's one aspect of all this which seems to me to have been overlooked. In common with all sporting events, there is a lot of money gambled on Formula One races, so surely they owe it to those punters to make sure the races are run honestly. What about all those people who put money on Massa to win? They will feel - and rightly - that they have been cheated. Ferrari have been fined, and may indeed face further punishment, but that doesn't get these people their money back!

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