Saturday, August 28, 2010

Drives you mad.

I remember Jasper Carrott in one of his one-man shows talking about running a marathon and of how he was warned about hitting THE WALL - and that's how he told it, putting the expression in verbal capital letters, and then of how everything was going well until he hit THE WALL, and so on. I am reminded of this whenever we come back off holiday down in the Southwest, except it isn't a wall you hit, it's THE MERGE. For those not around here, this is where the M5 joins the M6 - and you can just imagine it, two of the busiest motorways in the country just coming together. You've driven all the way up from Devon or wherever with no major holdups, and then you hit THE MERGE. Everything grinds to a halt, and if you get through it in 20 minutes, you've done well. Every time I mouth a few well chosen obscenities to whoever thought that one up.

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