Monday, May 17, 2010


TV are putting on a drama about the life of Boy George, and this brought to mind one of my two claims to fame - in the late 70s (can't be more precise) I bumped into him (literally) in Oasis in Birmingham - of course he wasn't Boy George then, just a rather weirdly exotic worker there, and it was only later that I realised who it was that I had clobbered. My other claim to fame is that I once scored a goal against Tony Macedo - who went on to keep goal for Fulham and was rated as one of the best goalkeepers in the country - indeed had he not been born in Gibraltar and therefore ineligible, he would almost certainly have played for England. OK so it was only a kick-around on the grass, with coats for goal posts but I did manage to put one past him. Actually, thinking about it I could make a third claim but that would involve going into slightly indelicate details, so we won't go there.

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