Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bang bang - you're dead!

You've probably seen the story of the staged "shooting" of a teacher at a school in Evesham which apparently left some pupils - particularly the younger ones - traumatised. Apart from the fact that it seemed a silly thing to do, two things struck me about the story. The first is that, according to the school, the stunt was part of a "science project". I've been racking my brains to try and think what possible connection there could be between someone being gunned down and the teaching of science. and so far I've drawn a blank. The other, rather more humorous thing was a quote from the Head Teacher saying that he felt part of the problem was that the "victim" was one of the more popular teachers. "I don’t think there would have been as much concern if it was one or two of the others”, he said.

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