Sunday, February 21, 2010

Time marches on, and so must we.

Sad to see the demise of "Reader's Digest", but it's really a classic example of a product not moving with the times. I was flicking through a recent edition in my dentist's waiting room the other month and thinking how the format had not really changed from when I used to subscribe to it, decades ago. For me it was a bit like meeting an old friend, but clearly it has little relevance to today's generation who are used to a different style of magazine. And I could never understand the "subscription only" policy - it always seemed to me to exclude a whole raft of potential readers who might have picked the odd copy up at a newsagent and just might then have gone on to take it regularly. I wonder if anyone will come forward to try and keep it going - but if they do, I think it will need a significant make-over.

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