Friday, February 26, 2010

Bloomin' 'eck!

Heard about the Bloom Box? No, neither had I until a couple of days ago. It's a new sort of fuel cell apparently which claims to be super-efficient and more to the point can be coupled-up as many times as necessary to produce sort of super-batteries which could power your house for example. Several companies in the US are already using the technology with reported savings both in cost and in CO2 emissions. Difficult as ever to see beyond the hype and make a true assessment of whether this really is the massive breakthrough its developers claim. My main concern would be that it runs on gas - effectively it uses gas to make electricity - and if it is as successful as its inventors hope, the demand for gas will rise as a result, and business being business, the price of gas will increase and at the end of the day this may result in no real overall savings. Interesting development though - watch this space.

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