Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kick a man when he's down?

I hold no brief for Gordon Brown, who I consider to be the worst Prime Minister of modern times, but the criticism of him in the press over the hand-written letter he sent to the mother of a soldier killed in Afghanistan does I feel go too far. So his handwriting is not that good - neither is mine. So he made what might be considered a few spelling mistakes (not sure that some of them were, actually - more a matter that his writing is difficult to read) but at least he did take the time and trouble to write the letter himself - the temptation must have been to simply sign a type-written letter. As discussed the other day, the mother is entitled to grieve in her own way, and clearly she found the letter distressing, but for the press to latch onto it in the way they have is distasteful, to say the least.

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