Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Form an orderly queue.

So if you want a drink in an Oldham pub, you may have to queue up - Post Office style - to get it, and there will be restrictions on how much you can buy once you get to the bar. All seems a bit strange, until that is you realise that this is not really the object of the exercise. These rules will only apply if the pub is selling drink at a price of less than 75p a unit, which equates to about £1.88 a pint. So what the authorities are really after is to coerce pubs into avoiding these restrictions by imposing this minimum price on their drinks - no more Happy Hour or two-for-one promotions and such like. Two questions - is it legal (price fixing and all that) and secondly, what about off licences and supermarkets? The idea is to try and combat binge drinking, but will they simply move the problem from the pubs into the street?

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