Friday, August 07, 2009

All festivals are equal, but some...

Frankly, I think that motorcyclists, by and large, are a noisy menace, but they exist and many of them are dedicated enthusiasts. The Bulldog Bash which is an annual event near Stratford-upon-Avon is a festival specifically for bikers. It does not find favour with the police, who have made several unsuccessful attempts to close it down - but why? They say that drug taking and dealing takes place - but so it does at the many music festivals which are held throughout the summer to which the police take no exception. They say that there is rivalry between biker gangs which can spill over into violence - and they are forever quoting the case of Gerry Tobin, who was shot and killed on his way home from the Bash in 2007 - but what has that got to do with the festival itself?. There was a case not long ago of a fight in a supermarket queue which resulted in a man's death, but I don't remember any calls for supermarkets to be closed down as a result. This does smack rather uncomfortably of a police vendetta.

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