Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I'm sure Churchill said something about democracy being a pretty poor system of government - until you considered the alternatives. It's true enough that any form of government has its faults, and as far as our system is concerned, we are seeing one of them in all its naked glory at the moment. Governments are elected to govern on behalf of the whole country, and yet, despite the clearest indications that the country as a whole don't like this Government, and would prefer to see them out, party political interests have taken over. A Labour spokesman on television the other day sort of gave the game away with a Freudian slip when he said "...what our people want us to do is sort out the economy, clear up the expenses mess etc...". I'm afraid I gave in to my baser instincts and shouted at the TV "Never mind your people, what about the people!" Let's be clear, what we have at the moment is not a case of the Government clinging to power - it is the Labour Party clinging to power. And just to put the record straight, this is not a partisan rant - had this blog been running then, I would have been making a similar point about the Major government in its final months.

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