Monday, June 01, 2009

Couldn't make it up!

We haven't had one of these for some time, but here's a worthy addition. Workmen were painting new double yellow lines on a street in London. There was a (legally) parked car in the way. No, they didn't paint round it - they carefully moved it (it was a little car), painted their lines and then replaced it. A little time later, along comes a traffic warden and arranges for the car (now of course on double yellows) to be towed away! This would be bad enough, but then it apparently took the owner of the car several weeks and the intervention of the local MP to persuade the council that they had done anything wrong, and to write off the fine and return the car. A classic case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing - or even that the left hand exists! One would like to think that lessons have been learned - but I doubt it.

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