Thursday, April 02, 2009

Down with - whatever it is.

As political parties of all colours have found over the years, it's much easier to be in opposition and criticising the party in power, rather than being in power yourself and having to come up with practical answers to problems. The G20 protesters have the luxury of being able to complain about just about everything, without actually having to submit tried and tested viable alternatives. No surprise really that most of the groups involved describe themselves as being anti-something or other. It's like a teenager constantly whinging that "it's just not fair" without having any answer as to how it could be made to be fair, or indeed any real concept of just what "it" is. And it seems rather counter-productive to be protesting about poverty, whilst acting in such a way as to tie up significant amounts of money in the necessity of having to police what you are doing. You certainly get the impression that for some if not most of these people it's protesting for the sake of protesting.

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