Sunday, February 01, 2009

What druid?

Storm in a teacup around here over Birmingham City Council's decision to omit all apostrophes from street signs - so St Paul's Square will now be signed St Pauls Square for example. Although I'm a bit of a pedant myself who still writes 'phone rather than phone, it seems to me to be much ado about nothing. And in many respects it simply reveals misunderstandings about place names. Should it be Druid's Heath or Druids' Heath for instance. Answer - neither. It's got nothing to do with druids - singular or plural. The name in fact refers back to the Drews family who were farmers there 150 or so years ago. As far as the general matter of apostrophes on signs is concerned, I think we need to remember that language is our slave, and not our master. It is there to do a job, and provided it does that job satisfactorily, that's all that matters. If we are looking for a certain place or street, then provided the sign sufficiently identifies it, the presence or absence of an apostrophe is pretty immaterial.

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