Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Do you know about ContactPoint?

OK so this is something which originated well before I started this blog, but even so, how I came to miss it I don't know. It came to my attention when I read an article about politicians and celebrities being able to keep the details of their children off the database - and I thought, what database? I must have been asleep or drunk or something, but apparently back in 2004 the Children Act of that year provided for the setting up of a national database with details of every child in the country under the age of 18. Not sure whether it's fully functional yet, but it was certainly planned to be up and running by now. So all the details of my grandchildren - their names, addresses, who their parents are (and possibly who I am), where they go to school, the name of their doctor, and Heaven only knows what else is out there and available to Lord knows who. What happened to Article 8 of the European Convention? I suppose the powers that be would argue that all it's doing is pulling together information which is already on record in different places, but my immediate reaction is I'm suspicious of it, and the fact that certain privileged people are going to be able to keep their children off it makes me even more suspicious. Like I say, I am amazed I didn't clock it at the time. Perhaps it was deliberately dealt with low key?

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