Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wrong question?

So what have we learned from the de Menezes inquest? Not a great deal I fear, because the emphasis seems to have been on the wrong things. The actions of the police who actually shot Mr de Menezes have come under great scrutiny - did they shout a warning, did he move towards them etc. - but to my mind this is pretty immaterial, because whether they or he did or didn't wouldn't really have affected the outcome. The fundamental element as I see it is that at some point the intelligence (if one can call it such) changed from "We think it might be him, but we're not sure" to "It is him" and from that point on, Mr de Menezes' fate was more or less sealed. So the question is, when did that happen, how and why did it happen, and who was - or more likely were - responsible for it happening.

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