Thursday, November 06, 2008

Seen from another angle.

I've been exchanging e-mails with a friend in America concerning the presidential election. As she is a black lady, I was not surprised when she told me she'd be voting for Obama - I assumed it was very much a case of a black voter voting for the black candidate. But when I put this to her, she said "No, it's not so much that - in fact I've been pretty undecided up til now. But the way I look at it, whoever gets elected, there's a small but significant chance that they won't see out their four years - in McCain's case it's his health, and in Obama's case I reckon there are plenty of nutters out there already planning his assassination. And if this were to happen, who would I rather see stepping into the presidential shoes - Biden or Palin? And when you look at it that way, it's a no-brainer, isn't it?". Interesting....

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