Friday, October 31, 2008

Get it sorted!

I have enormous sympathy for Debbie Purdy, who is seeking assurances that if she goes to Switzerland for an "assisted suicide" and her husband travels with her that he will not be prosecuted for aiding and abetting her act. The problem arises because of the nonsense created by the Suicide Act 1961, which stated that suicide was no longer a crime, but that assisting someone to commit suicide was - so now it is illegal to help someone do something which they are legally entitled to do. Work that one out if you can! In any other area of the law, it is perfectly proper for you to delegate someone else to act for you where you wish to do something legal but are incapable of acting yourself - if their actions are queried, the only question would be whether or not they were carrying out your clearly and voluntarily expressed intentions. Here Debbie Purdy could not have made her wishes more clear. The courts have said it is a matter for Parliament, but somebody needs to sort it out. It is indefensible that people facing this sort of desperate situation should have this further worry heaped upon them.

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