Monday, September 08, 2008

Me, myself and I.

I'm constantly amazed at the arrogance of some people who seem to believe that they are entitled to act as they want, with no regard for what effect it might have on other people. There was a case in point while I was away on holiday of some protester who climbed on a motorway gantry, with the result that the motorway had to be shut until he could be brought down. So hundreds, may be thousands of people had their journeys disrupted just because of the selfish actions of one man. And now we have this advertising stunt where the makers of a computer game arranged for a petrol station to give away free petrol. Needless to say, this created traffic chaos and once again disrupted rush-hour traffic with massive inconvenience to those affected. It must be wonderful to have such belief in your own self-importance!

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