Monday, September 15, 2008

Here's the bus...

There are calls for the introduction of American-style yellow school buses for all secondary school pupils. Now that so many children no longer automatically go to their nearest secondary school, it does seem a sensible move, though as far as I can see it is the provision of buses rather than their colour and style that matters. I've certainly been glad of the existence of a school bus for one of my grandchildren - I posted before about the difficulty I was going to have with my grandchildren all at different schools in different directions, and fortunately a school bus service has come to my aid. Of course it costs, and this is going to be the main factor as to whether the idea of school buses for all actually takes off or not - it's already expensive to send your child to secondary school these days, what with uniform, school meals, school trips and so on, and this is going to be just one more expense - £2 a day has been suggested (presumably per child), which isn't exactly small change. We shall see.

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