Wednesday, August 06, 2008

That'll do nicely...

We are told that yesterday was the 117th anniversary of the traveller's cheque - this being the date in 1891 when the first American Express cheques were issued. I'm sure that's right, but the basic concept of the traveller's cheque goes back way before that. If you were a wealthy man back in the early 12th century and were thinking of making the long and dangerous pilgrimage to Jerusalem, you would - assuming you got there - wish to live in the life-style you were accustomed to, and yet if you took your wealth with you, there was every chance you would be set upon and robbed en route. So what did you do? You went to your local order of the Knights Templar and deposited your money with them. They gave you a chitty, and when you got to Jerusalem you handed that chitty over to the Knights Templar there, and they paid you your money back out of their funds. Nothing new under the sun, you see.

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