Friday, July 25, 2008

Alway look on the bright side of life...

I used to regularly visit friends who lived in a small village just inland of Aberystwyth, so my eye was taken by a report in the paper of the current Mayor of that town seeking to overturn its 30-year-old ban on the showing of the film "Life of Brian". My amazement that the ban could have lasted this long is only exceeded by my surprise that there ever was a ban in the first place. I can understand that at that time people might have felt uncomfortable about it - particularly around that part of the country, where they are (or used to be) very "chapel" - but banning one of the funniest and socially perceptive films of all time? All power to the Mayor in her efforts to right this wrong - she by the way was actually an actress in the film, which may explain her interest in pursuing this.

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