Thursday, June 12, 2008

Where's yo bin? - Round the back, where's yourn?

We may have to start a new series of posts to cope with the increasing number of stories about rubbish bins and refuse collection. The latest is the news that Mid-Sussex District Council has been carrying out an "audit" of what people are putting in their bins. Although they say that this is purely a fact-finding exercise and that the anonymity of the owners of the bins is preserved, it is being seen as the thin end of the wedge. Certainly there was, and to a certain extent still is some resistance to recycling around here because we have to put our recycle stuff out in an open box for all the world to see, and while this doesn't concern me overmuch, some people object to others being able to see what newspaper they read, and how much of what they drink, for example. What price privacy?

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