Thursday, May 01, 2008

Lollipop lollipop - oh, lolli lolli lolli....

Seen this thing about crossing wardens being equipped with cameras in their lollipop sticks to record drivers who don't stop for them, or who are abusive towards them? Whilst in no way condoning such behaviour, there is an unstated assumption here that it is always the motorist who is at fault. As the one who does the school run, I meet my fair share of crossing wardens, and whilst the overwhelming majority of them do a good job, you do come across a few who get on your tits - to use a technical expression. Firstly there's the waverer (usually but not exclusively female) - the one who stands dithering on the edge of the kerb creating a will-she-won't-she situation. I always make their minds up for them by stopping, but if I were in a hurry, I might well not. Then at the other end of the scale we have the Little Hitlers - the ones who leap out in front of your wheels with no regard for anything other than imposing their power over you - they'll even do it if the road behind you is clear! And then there are the anticipators, who stop the traffic even though the nearest child is still 10 yards or so away - and these are also the ones who tend to cross each child individually, rather than wait until they have a group. Like I say, they are the exceptions, but I can imagine that if you are in a rush you might very well be inclined to make your feelings known. So perhaps we should have cameras monitoring the crossing wardens as well?

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