Friday, January 04, 2008

Size matters.

Big is not always beautiful, particularly in the area of the provision of public services. The "economies of scale" approach may work for businesses churning out widgets, but the idea of extrapolating that experience into the field of public service provision has rarely proved anything other than disastrous. Bigger local authorities have resulted in worse and more expensive services. Bigger hospitals have seen increased waiting times, much less personal care, and superbug infections. Bigger schools have meant "sausage machine" teaching, lack of self-esteem in pupils (and teachers) resulting in antisocial behaviour both in and out of school. Remember the little urban district council office where you could pop in and discuss your concerns on local matters? Remember the cottage hospital where matron ruled and everything was always spic and span? Remember the local school where every teacher knew every pupil, and teaching was tailored to individual needs? Those were the days indeed!

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