Saturday, January 26, 2008

A man's a man for a' that.

For those of you of the faith, I hope you had a good Burns Night last night. As an ex-pub-pianist, it brings back memories of playing "Scotland the brave", "Roamin' in the gloamin'", "I love a lassie" and so on, not to mention tiptoeing round the vomit in the toilets. I've never tried, or really fancied haggis, but there's no doubt that Burns was a first division poet, who doesn't really get the respect he deserves - mainly because he chose to write in what for many is a fairly impenetrable Scottish dialect. But get beyond that, and his writing compares favourably with Wordsworth, Keats or any of the "greats". Just consider "My luve is like a red, red rose..." - it's up there with the best of them.

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