Sunday, December 09, 2007

Told you so!

I'm sure most of you are aware of the word schadenfreude which means getting pleasure out of others' misfortune. But is there a word for the smug self-satisfied feeling you get when, having been ridiculed, you are proved to be right? If there is, I don't know it, but that's how I'm feeling at the moment. It must have been twenty-odd years ago, when I was a working civil servant, that I, among others, was invited to comment on whether or not the forms we sent out should be accompanied by translations into minority languages for the benefit of non-English speaking immigrants. I was apparently the only one who said no. My arguments were that, firstly, once you start down this road, where do you stop - if you're going to provide translations into Urdu and Gujarati for instance, then what about Polish, Latvian and Ukrainian, or any of the other myriad of languages spoken around the West Midlands. But also, I pointed out that by doing this we would be sending out a signal to immigrants that they didn't need to make the effort to try and learn English - and was that really the sort of message we ought to be sending out? And now, praise be, the Government has come round to my way of thinking - even if they are driven as much by considerations of cost as anything. Come on, there must be a word for it!

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