Tuesday, October 09, 2007


The mother of a severely disabled daughter wants her to have a hysterectomy to save them both the problems which might be caused by the onset of menstruation. Doctors are seeking legal advice (why??) before making any decision. Disability groups have waded in to condemn any such operation as "totally and utterly unacceptable". Why don't they keep their noses out? Here is a parent in a desperately unhappy situation seeking to do what she considers best for her child - and let's not forget it is she (the mother) who will have to deal with the consequences, whatever they may be. I do not see that it is anybody else's business other than hers. She has made it clear that this is a personal decision, and she would not seek to advocate it as a general approach to this kind of situation. Everybody else should stay out of it and keep their opinions to themselves.

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